A Name Index extracted from the book 'Luppitt: Parish, Church, and People'
The list of names below includes people who are mentioned in the book.
Alcock, Rev P
Alexander IV, Pope
Alexander, Rev R C
Andrews, Preb
Anne of Cleaves
Anson, Sir Edward
Becket, Joan
Berry, George
Berry, Willie
Bishop, Maud
Blackmore, William
Blake, George Potter
Bonville, Sir William
Brewer, Lord William
Brooks, Chris
Burrough, J and R
Cabbel, Rev John
Carew, Sir William
Carew, Sir George
Carew, Sir Peter
Chamberlain, Neville
Churchill, Carl
Churchill, Winston
Clapp, A
Clapp, B
Clarke, Kate
Clement VII, Pope
Coles, A J
Coles, Edward
Colet, Dean
Cookson, Gen G A
Courtenay, John
Courtenay, William
Cox, Preb E V
Crabb, A J
Crabb, Bishop F
Crabb, Mr and Mrs G
Cunningham, J
Damarell, Sir William
Davey, Arthur
Davey, Reece
Deeme, Henry
De Mohun
Denys, Sir Thomas
Doble, Peter
Dormer, Rev W H
Duntz, John
Edward the Confessor
Edward I and II, Kings
Edward VI, King
Edward VII, King
Edwards, C F
Egyptian Ambassador
Ellacombe, Rev H T
Ewins, Sam
Ferrier, James
Fidler, Arthur
Firm, Rev B A
Fry, J
George VI, King
George, Noel
Gilbert, Rev F
Godfrey, Henry
Grainger, Rev G W
Gradinsson, Bishop
Grenvil, Sir R
Grey, Earl
Griffin, Clement
Gundry, Major H E B
Hardwick, Alex
Harold, King
Harris, Rev William
Haynes, Lewis
Henry VIII, King
Hewett, Alan
Hill, Rev Vincent
Hooker, John
Hooper, Derek
Hooper, George
Hoskins, Prof W G
Hunt, Thomas
Hussey, J
James, King
Johnson, Rev H
Kirkham, Thomas
Kyrkeham, James
Lee, J and W
Lee, W
Ley, Abbot
Lisle, Viscount
Love, River
Lovell, J A
Maydew, Rev F T
Middleton, S J
Milles, Dean
Mohun, William de
Mohun, Reginald de
Montacute, Sir Simon
Morris, Burnett
Nancarrow, Robin
Newberry, Harold
Norcott, Mrs
Normandy, Duke of
Norris, F E
Northcote, Isaac
Norton, Robert
Oliver, Dr
Orchard, J
Osborne, Lt Gen
Osmond, George & Sons
Page-Turner, N F A
Palmer, J
Parr, F H
Parr, J
Pearce, Capt
Pearcy, John
Perrott, Rev W T
Poynet, Dr John
Prince of Orange
Prowse, Rev J F
Pullan, J & J
Pulman, B R
Radford, Dr C A Ralegh
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Read, Herbert
Real, Arthur
Reed, Rev J
Rowland, Harry
Rowland, Lawrence
Russel, Lord
Sage, Annie
Sage, Arthur
Sage, Frederick J
Salter, Arthur
Sayers, Dorothy L
Scott, Rev John
Searle (Parish Clerk)
Semson, Roger
Servington, Sir Oliver de
Simcoe, Elizabeth
Simcoe, Capt J K, RN
Simcoe, Lt Gen J G
Southcote, Thomas
Sparks, Catherine
Spencer, John
Spencer, J Houghton
Summers, A E
Taylor, John & Co
Thorpe, Mrs M
Thorne, Edgar
Timms, Harry
Todd, Prof
Tofts, Joy
Tottle, Christopher
Tremayne, Andrew
Trott, Henry
Tucker, Bill
Tucker, John
Valentine, Reginald
Waite, Terry
Walden, W J
Wall, Rev N J
Wallop, Sir John
Weldon, Col
Welman, Rev Thomas
Wilson, Mr & Mrs T
Windsor, Rev John
Worth, Rev S
Wright, Albert F W
Wright, F C
Wright, W J
Wright, Walter
Wroth, Thomas
Yonge, Sir Walter
Young, Brig and Mrs